Tajana Šimunic Rosing

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Tajana Šimunić Rosing is a Professor, a holder of the Fratamico Endowed Chair, and a director of System Energy Efficiency Lab at UCSD. She is currently heading the effort in SmartCities as a part of DARPA and industry funded TerraSwarm center. During 2009-2012 she led the energy efficient datacenters theme as a part of the MuSyC center. Her research interests are energy efficient computing, embedded and distributed systems. Prior to this she was a full time researcher at HP Labs while leading research part-time at Stanford University. She finished her PhD in 2001 at Stanford University, concurrently with finishing her Masters in Engineering Management. Her PhD topic was Dynamic Management of Power Consumption. Prior to pursuing the PhD, she worked as a Senior Design Engineer at Altera Corporation.