CNS Espresso Prize for Excellence in Networking 2016 Awardee

Every academic year, the Computer Science and Engineering department offers the class CSE 123, Computer Networks. In this class, students are introduced to concepts, principles, and practice of computer communication networks with examples from existing architectures, protocols, and standards. Students are expected to complete a final project showing how they use the concepts they have learned to resolve a problem posed by the instructor.
Dr. George Varghese, a former CSE professor, taught CSE 123 for almost a decade and always enjoyed seeing the many ways that students implemented their final projects. When Dr. Varghese departed from UC San Diego in 2013, he left behind a gift to fund an annual prize to be awarded to the students who produce the best final projects in CSE 123.
The CNS Espresso Prize for Excellence in Networking is awarded by the current professor for CSE 123, Alex C. Snoeren, based upon criteria set by him for the given final project assigned each year.
Previous Recipients of the CNS Espresso Prize for Excellence in Networking:
2016 Undergraduate recipient: Conner Johnston
2014 Undergraduate recipient: Aaron Yip Ming Wong
2014 Visiting Undergraduate recipient: Matheus Venturyne Xavier Ferreira
2013 Undergraduate recipient: Jacob Maskiewicz
2013 Graduate recipient: Vidya Kirupanidhi