Yannis Papakonstantinou

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Yannis Papakonstantinou's research is in the intersection of data management technologies and the web, where he has published over ninety research articles that have received more than 12,000 citations, according to Google Scholar. A common theme of his research is the extension of database platforms and query processors beyond centralized relational databases and into semistructured databases, integrated views of distributed databases and web services, textual data and queries involving keyword search, and most recently spatiotemporal sensor data. He has given multiple tutorials and invited talks, has served on journal editorial boards and has chaired and participated in program committees for many international conferences and workshops. He is a co-director and teaches for UCSD's Master of Advanced Studies in Data Science. Yannis holds a Diploma of Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University (1997). He joined UCSD in 1996 and he also works closely with the San Diego Supercomputing Center.