Arun Kumar

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Arun Kumar is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and the Halicioglu Data Science Institute and an HDSI Faculty Fellow at the University of California, San Diego. His primary research interests are in data management and systems for ML/AI-based data analytics. Systems and ideas based on his research have been shipped as part of products from, or used internally by, multiple cloud, Web, and database systems companies, including Google, Facebook/Meta, Oracle, and VMware. He is a recipient of three SIGMOD research paper awards, six distinguished reviewer/metareviewer awards from SIGMOD/VLDB, early career awards from NSF, IEEE TCDE, and VLDB, a UCSD oSTEM Faculty of the Year Award, and research award gifts from Amazon, Google, Oracle, and VMware. His first PhD graduate received the ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award. He is a Cofounder and CTO of RapidFire AI, a software startup building a new kind of DL platform.