Summer Interns 2006
Digital Preservation
Student: James Anderson
HP Supervisor: Mehul Shah
Advisor: Amin Vahdat -
Emulating Large Scale Networks
Student: Calvin Hubble
AT&T Supervisors: Rick Schlichting and Jim Pelletier
Advisor: Amin Vahdat -
Hardware Support for Efficient Synchronization in Multi-Core Architectures
Student: Jack Sampson
HP Supervisor: Norm Jouppi
Advisor: Brad Calder -
IP Labs
Student: Carmelo Kintana
Qualcomm Supervisor: Florin Baboescu
Advisor: Amin Vahdat -
Power and Performance Efficent Memory Transactions
Student: Ganesh Venkatesh
HP Supervisor: Norm Jouppi
Advisor: Brad Calder -
QoS-aware VM-Manager for Xen
Student: Diwaker Gupta
HP Advisor: Lucy Cherkasova
Advisor: Amin Vahdat -
Querying in XTreeNet: Content Descriptors
Student: Emiran Curtmola
AT&T Advisor: Divesh Srivastava
Advisor: Alin Deutsch -
Resource Allocation in CDMA2000 1xevdo RevD
Student: Jennifer Price
Qualcomm Advisor: Christopher Lott
Advisor: Tara Javidi -
Robust Internet Routing
Student: Jerry Chu
AT&T Advisors: Sen Shubho and Oliver Spatscheck
Advisor: Bill Lin -
Scaling an Intelligent Interdomain Route Controller
Student: Patrick Verkaik
AT&T Advisor: Kobus van der Merwe
Advisor: Alex Snoeren -
Simulation and Analysis of Failures and Impairments for Multimedia Distribution Networks
Student: Justin Burke
AT&T Advisor: K.K. Ramakrishnan
Advisor: Amin Vahdat -
The Economics of Sharing: a case Study of Service Deployment in PlanetLab
Student: Alvin Auyoung
HP Advisors: Kevin Lai and Bernardo Huberman
Advisor: Alex Snoeren -
Yoda: Yet anOther AirInterface
Student: Gaurav Dhiman
Qualcomm Advisor: Ric Senior
Advisor: Tajana Simunic Rosing