another youtube test

A Case For Carbon-Aware Datacenter Software

The Sky is not the limit: Untapped opportunities for Green Computing

Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Serverless Computing

Carbon Dependencies in Datacenter Design and Management

Beyond PUE: Flexible Datacenters Empowering the Cloud to Decarbonize

The Odd One Out: Energy is not like Other Metrics

Metrics for Sustainability in Data Centers

Sustainable Computing - Without the Hot Air

Multiple smaller base stations are greener than a single powerful one

The Internet of tomorrow must sleep more and grow old

Toward Carbon-Aware Networking

Low Power but High Energy: The Looming Costs of Billions of Smart Devices

Something Old, Something New: Extending the Life of CPUs in Datacenters

Building low-carbon computer systems: when does carbon diverge from cost?

The Dirty Secret of SSDs: Embodied Carbon