Making MuSyC: CNS Scientists Explore Energy Efficiency in Multi-Scale Computing Systems


CSE Faculty Rajesh Gupta, Tajana Rosing and Amin Vahdat are part of MuSyc, a group including faculty from UCSD and nine other universities are members of a new research center charged with finding ways to improve the design of computing systems ranging from large data centers to tiny brain sensors. In its first three years, the Multi-Scale Systems Center (MuSyC) will focus on tackling a critical issue affecting multiple scales: energy efficiency.

MuSyC is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and industry members of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). Its kickoff meeting was held in mid-November.

According to the new research center, its multi-scale approach stems from recognition that “a new generation of applications is emerging that are destined to run in distributed form on a platform that meshes high-performance compute clusters with broad classes of mobiles, surrounded in turn by even larger swarms of sensors. The broad majority of these new applications can be classified as distributed sense and control systems that go substantially beyond the ‘compute’ or ‘communicate’ functions traditionally associated with information technology.”

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