Summer Interns 2019

  • Company: Akamai, Web Division Foundry Team
    Project: Automatic detection (and prevention) of data exfiltration on requests sent to a content delivery network
    Student: Alex Gamero-Garrido
    Company Supervisor:  Moritz Steiner, Stephen Ludin and Utkarsh Goel
    Advisor: Alex Snoeren and kc claffy
  • Company: Google
    Project: Protecting Andromeda’s Gateways with Early Congestion Detection
    Student: Audrey Randall
    Company Supervisor:  Yaogong Wang and Hamid Bazzaz
    Advisor: Stefan Savage, Geoff Voelker, and Aaron Schulman
  • Company: IBM Research Almaden
    Project: Persistent Memory related project
    Student: Juno Kim
    Company Supervisor: Scott Guthridge and Deepavali Bhagwat
    Advisor: Steve Swanson
  • Company: Microsoft Research
    Project: Adapting the Azure Sphere operating system to run on more
    hardware platforms
    Student: Sam Crow
    Company Supervisor: NA
    Advisor: Aaron Schulman
  • Company: Microsoft
    Project: Translating classical ML pipelines to tensor computations for faster scoring
    Student: Supun Nakandala
    Company Supervisor: Matteo Interlandi and Markus Weimer
    Advisor: Arun Kumar
  • Company: Oracle
    Project: NA
    Student: David Justo
    Company Supervisor: Garret Swart and Namrata Jampani
    Advisor: Steve Swanson
  • Company: Oracle
    Project: Dynamic memory management in distributed system
    Student: Yi Xu
    Company Supervisor: Garret Swart and Namrata Jampani
    Advisor: Steve Swanson
  • Company: Pivotal
    Project: Intersection of data management system and machine learning
    Student: Yuhao Zhang
    Company Supervisor: Frank McQuillan
    Advisor: Arun Kumar