
Above: CNS Spring 2016 Research Review. The Fall review is Oct. 13-14 with industry sponsors, invited guests. Want to attend? Contact cns@ucsd.edu or 858-534-5948 no later than Oct. 3 about registration.
Center for Networked Systems – News – Fall 2016

Steven Swanson and Jian Xu predict new hybrid memories will provide software with sub-microsecond, high-bandwidth access to persistent data.

Alex Snoeren to co-chair SIGCOMM 2017. He’s among CNS faculty who’ve played leadership roles in systems and networking organization.

CNS Director Stefan Savage receives ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences for innovation in network security research.

“Lost in Space: Improving Inference of IPv4 Address Space Utilization,” Alex Snoeren, Ph.D. student Karyn Benson, et al.,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, June 2016.

Tajana Rosing takes on “new and challenging questions” as inaugural holder of Fratamico Endowed Chair.

CNS Director Stefan Savage named to Jacobs Endowed Chair in Information and Computer Science.

Meet Conner Johnston, recipient of the 2016 CNS Espresso Prize for Excellence in Networking..

In Steven Swanson’s Quadcopter Class, seniors learn to build a multi-rotor drone from scratch.

Panagiotis Vekris (pictured) at Facebook was one of 11 CNS summer interns. Where they worked, and what’s next…

Armed with new PhD or MS diplomas, Keaton Mowery (pictured) and 15 other CNS-affiliated students graduated in 2015-2016 – three now in academia, the rest at Google, Apple, Facebook, and other tech giants.

NSF taps CNS Co-director George Porter for CAREER Award to support multiplane data center network research and education activities.

CNS awards first $10,000 Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship for active support of the LGBT community to ECE junior Valeria Gonzalez.

Sarah Meiklejohn (Ph.D. ’14), now a professor at University College London in the departments of Computer Science as well as Security and Crime Science, has devised a centrally-banked cryptocurrency without some of the drawbacks of Bitcoin. .